AmigaOS3.5 (413/967)

From:Don Cox
Date:14 May 2000 at 20:53:26
Subject:Re: Block size

Hello James

On 14-May-00, James Hays wrote:
> Hey all,
> All this talk about Maxtransfer, Mask, Block size, etcetera, has
> caused me to want to change the block size of my 20gig hard drive (it
> has always been slow, and I thought this might help). Okay, so here's
> the problem, I'm afraid to undertake such a thing because I had so
> much trouble preparing this drive the first time. The reason for this
> is a perfect catch 22, I change the hard drive, try to boot from my
> Syjet, syjet won't boot because the ROM update immediatly causes the
> system to try to boot the hard drive, remove ROM update from the
> Syjet, and then I don't have access to the full size of the drive.
> Is there some easy way around this that I'm missing?

Can you not just change the block size on whichever partition contains
the biggest files? For instance, large audio files, or PDFs.

After changing the block size, you have to reformat that partition, so
everything on it has to be backed up. It might be hard to back up 20
Gigs all in one go.

Increasing the "addbuffers" settings in startup-sequence also speeds up
the drive, but if you have big blocks this can use up a lot of RAM. Each
buffer is the size of a block.

You can addbuffers at any time from shell for a temporary speedup.


Don Cox

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